Please advise the NECOM Office if you will be absent for any rehearsals.
Armidale Youth Orchestra (AYO)
50 member symphony orchestra
Entry level: Yr 7, Audition and AMEB levels apply.
Strings: AMEB Grade 5 or Trinity Grade 6
Winds: AMEB Grade 3/4 or Trinity Grade 4/5
Typical age: 12 to 20 years
Rehearsals: Tuesdays during school term at NECOM starting at 4:00pm. Full orchestra rehearsal until 5:15pm then at 5:15pm the orchestra will split into (i) string tutorials/Sinfonia (until 6pm) and (ii) the New England Wind Ensemble (until 6:30pm). The time difference is due to the requirement for wind players to rest their embouchures.
Concert uniform: AYO shirts (Please order directly from ACE embroidery in the mall)
Black pants, black socks, black shoes
Conductors 2023: Robert van Gend
Armidale Youth Strings (AYS)
40 member string ensemble
Entry level: AMEB Grade 2 AMEB or Trinity Grade 3 with written teacher recommendation.
Typical age: 9 to 15 years
Rehearsals: Tuesdays during school term 4:00 - 5:15pm at NECOM
Concert uniform: AYSO T-shirts loaned for performances
Black pants, black socks, black shoes
Conductor 2023: Joanna Fairs-Wu
Armidale Youth Winds (AYW)
30 member wind and percussion ensemble
Entry level (for Wind): AMEB Grade 2 AMEB or Trinity Grade 3 with written teacher recommendation.
Typical age: 10 to 18 years
Entry level (for Percussion) : Please contact the NECOM Office
Typical age: Please contact NECOM Office
Rehearsals: Tuesdays during school term 4:00 - 5:15pm at NECOM
Concert uniform: AYW T-shirts loaned for performances
Black pants, black socks, black shoes
Conductor 2023: Louisa Sindel-Marshall